In the China Market, there is another new chip tuning tool selling very hot. That's KESS V2 OBD2 Manager Tuning Kit, the update version of KESS OBD TUNING KIT. It's with coverage of all major brands and protocols including Line, CAN, EDC17 and MED17 and Ford J1850. Kess V2 is everything you need to work as a successful tuner at a very affordable price. The latest version is V1.89. You can not update it online directly. Othewise, it can not work anymore and you need to send it back to the supplier to solve the problem.
Kess V2 has several built in features and safeguards including:
1. Check of the battery voltage in real-time
2. Full Recovery function in case of problems
3. Automatic correction of the Checksum, (where available)
4 Boot-Loader mode supported
5. Management of the programming counters
6. ScanTool function to remove DTC
7. Several options of reading/writing speed
8. Option to write full file/section of the map
9. Full integration with ECM Titanium
What's the differences between Kess V2 tuning kit and KESS OBD TUNING KIT?
Workable vehicle list:
KESS V2 works with both Bike and car. KESS v2 works with more car brand and car models compared with KESS.
Workable ECU type and year:
The ECU type and year that KESS V2 works with is newer than that of KESS works with.
If you want to learn more information about it, welcome to visit our online store cnautotool.
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