Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The newest Mini ELM327 Bluetooth OBD code reader

Now the newest Mini ELM327 Bluetooth OBD code reader. Because it have a good price and high quality. Many people are happy to buy it. Mini Elm327 Bluetooth V1.5 is hot sale in our website. It is easy to use, and convenient to take it to everywhere. And you need not to connect the USB. with promo discounts and fast shipping. We received many good reviews about Mini Elm327 Bluetooth OBD code reader from customers. Some people reviews that the Mini ELM327 Bluetooth OBD code reader just like a splendid luggage. The function of colony on a tight budget is quiet great. “It’s a supreme product and we are well recommend it!” a customer said. So choose the Mini ELM327 Bluetooth OBD2 V1.5 quickly.
ELM327 software scanner is definitely the newest PC-based OBD2 diagnostic scan tool. ELM327 supports all OBD-II protocols and is dispatched with a quantity of compatible programs. The processor is an ELM327. The output protocol (connection to laptop) is USB cable.obd2 ELM327 is simple to work with and really useful to diagnose vehicles.
With an application such as Rev for iPhone and a ELM327 obd2, you can wirelessly obtain a lot of information from your car. The App Store also has Rev Lite which lacks a lot of feature but can be useful to just test the connectivity before paying for a more expensive app.
If you have some questions, remember to ask the the salers, they always konw more for their products,ha, see

1 comment:

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